Transformational Coaching
Embrace growth and change with a certified life coach, advanced yoga teacher & practitioner Tatiana Maggiore
1:1 sessions incorporating yoga & coaching tools
to help you achieve life goals with a yogic mindset
How does it work?

When you act from a centred, confident and balanced mind, the decisions you make and the steps you take lead to more sustainable results aligned with your meaningful intentions.

You learn to respond rather than react to all sorts of challenges. And cherish the opportunities they present.
About me
My name is Tatiana Maggiore Markelova. And I believe that every person is capable of unlocking their full potential by cultivating a yogic mindset, i.e. adopting a non-compete attitude and focus on mending a beautiful garden of bits and pieces available here and now rather than chasing butterflies of phantom opportunities that keep slipping away.

My PhD research in cognitive linguistics as well as 10-year experience in yoga teaching and life coaching equipped me with a wide array of tools and methods which I use to help you cultivate such a non-compete attitude and develop self-regulatory skills enabling you to become the master of your own mind.

Together we design your future garden, plant the seeds of intention and align your thought and behaviour patterns with the desired outcome. I help you root yourself in your new mindset and support you in your journey for as long as need until your garden is thriving with beautiful flowers which naturally attract all those butterflies you have been chasing.
Pricing Plans
Introductory session
25 min.

During this first meeting we find out if we are a good match and what is the best way to structure our work to achieve the desired outcome for you.

Book now
8 hourly sessions
CHF 1200
Over the commitment period of 2 months we elaborate new patterns of thought and action which you learn to sustain in order to achieve the desired outcome.
Book an introductory session
Feedback from Clients
  • Julia, Israel
    In just a few sessions I resolved many issues. With the help of a specialist, it is much easier to separate your desires and goals from doubts, uncertainty, fears... For emotional people like me they all get mixed up, despite my ability for self-analysis and my desire to be more effective. Often you simply do not see the obvious, because you are focusing on something else. Something that frightens, confuses and slows you down... A coach helps you see the world through a cleaner glass.
  • Konstantin, France
    At our first session with Tatiana, we uncovered a number of internal obstacles which I could not see with my own eyes. I felt them in my body and could not get to them. But with her very precise questions Tatiana encouraged me to look deeper into myself. Even deeper that I dared to look before. So, I could feel and see what was actually stopping me. And now I know how to proceed.
  • Yulia, Norway
    When I started this profound work with Tatiana and myself, I wasn't sure that I could be "cured". But here I am. Yes, as Tatiana said, it is my own merit and my actions led to this result. But without her coaching it wouldn't have happened. I was too stuck in my thoughts and feelings. And the road to "recovery" seemed very long and difficult. There will always be obstacles on the way, but now I have ways to overcome them. I am infinitely grateful!
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